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Editing ScreenCasts : Using the Timeline Panel : Creating and Using In and Out Points

Creating and Using In and Out Points
You create in and out points and then use them to delete entire sections of your timeline, using Ripple Delete (Command-Backspace). You can also export the range bounded by the in and out points, instead of exporting your entire project.
You can also select a range across tracks to take action specific to this part of the timeline. This range is set by applying an in point and an out point.
Figure 22. Mark In and Out Points on Timeline
Position the scrubber and press the I key to set an in point. ScreenFlow highlights the timeline in blue to the end of the timeline. Then move the scrubber to the out point and press the O-key to set an out point.
You can reverse this process as well: Position the scrubber and press the O key to set the out point. ScreenFlow highlights the timeline in blue to the beginning of the timeline. Then move the scrubber to the in point and press the I key to set the in point.
You can also shift-click on the timeline scale to set in and out points relative to the position of the scrubber. If you click to the left of the scrubber, you shift-click to create the in point, using the scrubber location as the out point; if you click to the right of the scrubber, you create the out point, using the scrubber as the in point.
When you create an in point without an out point, ScreenFlow automatically sets the out point to the end of the last clip in the timeline. When you create an out point without an in point, ScreenFlow automatically sets the in point to the beginning of the timeline.
With the timeline selected between the in point and out point, you can delete clips or portions of between the selected points and you can also export everything between the selected points. Deleting the selected clips or portions does not shorten the timeline - close the gap. It only deletes the selected clips or portions thereof.

Telestream, Inc.
Copyright © 2012 Telestream, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide.
February, 2012 | 80997
