Automated Monitoring that Scales

As media companies transition operations to IP networking technology at scale, a more automated approach to monitoring the health of your broadcast or contribution network can be achieved. The Telestream Inspect 2110 probe provides automated ST 2110 and ST 2022-6 media monitoring probe for the visibility, verification and alert by exception that operations teams require to make sure video, audio and data signals are present and healthy. While Inspect 2110 monitors the media network at scale, a simple click-to-view enables deep analysis of any stream in a PRISM monitor. This provides, providing a complete ST 2110 / ST 2022-6 monitoring and diagnostics solution.


Inspect 2110
Automated ST 2110 / ST 2022-6 monitoring and media network diagnostics


Detailed video, audio, data, and timing analysis with industry leading wavewform monitor


PTP sync generator and fail-over solutions keep the network timed

Redundant Streams Confirmed

Building a fully redundant 2022-7 media network with independent paths requires setup confirmation and long-term operation verification. PRISM’s deep analysis of 2022-7 redundancy helps commission and validate a correctly functioning, highly resilient network. Once operational, Inspect 2110 can automate monitoring that redundant paths are accurate, identical, and in sync, providing monitoring by exception with one-click transition to deep diagnostics by PRISM.


PTP Timing Visibility & Toolset

PTP can be a challenging part of ST 2110 implementation. The SPG provides proven, reliable, and accurate PTP timing and synchronization with support for ST 2059-2 and AES67. PRISM assists with initial validation to establish a reliable system using PTP. Once PTP is running, Inspect 2110 monitors video timing and PTP sources to ensure primary and redundant feeds are synchronized. In the case of a PTP issue or grandmaster failover, PRISM provides deep analysis.

SDP File Accuracy and NMOS Support

Using the NMOS capability and information in PRISM, engineers can dive into SDP file details to manually ensure that the media is working and matches the SDP file as expected. The Inspect 2110 can automate the SDP verification and comparison against the essence parameters to ensure that SDP files are accurate and ready for network expansion.

Managing Large Networks

As networks continually scale, it becomes impractical to see everything by watching a monitor wall. This can be a stressful job and prone to errors. With Inspect 2110, human engineers need only worry about solving problems. The software will oversee feeds and alert you only when there is a problems. Inspect 2110 can automate health monitoring acrossthe high-value contribution and distribution feeds in your network. Using 40GbE/100GbE network connections the Inspect 2110 can programmatically go through each of your important flows to ensure they are accurate, the right formats, synchronized and have the audios and metadata expected. And if there’s an issue, the integration with PRISM can be used to dive into any problem remotely.

Inspect 2110 – ST 2110 Network Monitor

Inspect 2110 -- ST 2110 and ST 2022-6 Network Monitor

  • Scalable ST 2110 / ST 2022-6 media network monitoring
  • Confirms streams, redundancy and PTP operation
  • Mosaic views and status metrics
  • Direct link to PRISM for analysis
Prism Media Monitoring and Analysis

PRISM SDI/IP Waveform Monitor

  • Enhanced IP Monitor for ST 2110-20/30/40
  • Analyze PTP & Redundant Paths
  • SD, HD, 3G, 4K up to 25GE
  • Advanced HDR, Compliance & QC testing
PTP Reference Clock Solutions

PTP Reference Clock Solutions

  • Reliable & stable sync source
  • PTP grandmaster & slave
  • Test pattern generation